Toutes les publications récentes de Shelley Boulianne


Boulianne, Shelley et Anders Olof Larsson. 2024. "Facebook Campaigning in the 2019 and 2021 Canadian Federal Elections". Politics and Governance. Vol. 12.

Boulianne, Shelley et Thomas Galipeau. 2024. "Personality, networks, and heterogeneous discussion on Facebook". Journal of Information, Technology, and Politics

Boulianne, S., & Larsson, A.O. (2023). Engagement with candidate posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook during the 2019 Election. New Media & Society, 25(10), 1-22.

Boulianne, S., & Humprecht, E. (2023). Misinformation and trust in institutions in four countries in 2019 and 2021. International Journal of Communication, 17, 2024–2047. 

Boulianne, S., & Lee, S. (2023). Facebook and the global dimensions of protest participation in France, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. French Politics, 22(2), 155-178.

Boulianne, S., & Steen-Johnsen, K. (2023). Civic and political volunteering: The mobilizing role of websites and social media in four countries. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 1-17.

Boulianne, S., Oser, J., & Hoffmann, C. (2023). Powerless in the digital age? A systematic review and meta-analysis of political efficacy and digital media use. New Media & Society, 25(9) 2512–2536.

Boulianne, S., Tenove, C., & Buffie, J. (2022). Complicating the resilience model: A four-country study about misinformation. Media and Communication, 10(3), 169–182. 

Boulianne, S., & Lee, S. (2022). Conspiracy beliefs, misinformation, social media platforms, and protest participation. Media and Communication, 10(4), 1-12. 

Boulianne, S., & Belland, S. (2022). Climate denial in Canada and the United States. Canadian Review of Sociology, 59(3): 369-394. 

Boulianne, S. (2022). Participatory inequality across countries: Contacting public officials online and offline. Social Science Computer Review, 1-26.

Boulianne, S., Copeland, L., & Koc-Michalska, K. (2022). Digital media and political consumerism in the United States, Britain, and France. New Media & Society, 1-21.

Boulianne, S., & Hoffmann, C.P. (2022). The social, civic, and political uses of Instagram in four countries. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 1-30.

Boulianne, S. (2022). Standby ties that mobilize: Social media platforms and civic engagement. Social Science Computer Review, 1-16.

Boulianne, S. (2021). Socially mediated political consumerism. Information, Communication & Society, 1-9.

Boulianne, S., & Ohme, J. (2021). Pathways to environmental activism in four countries: Social media, environmental concern, and political efficacy. Journal of Youth Studies, 1-22

Boulianne, S., & Shehata, A. (2021). Age differences in online news consumption and political expression in the United States, United Kingdom, and France. International Journal of Press/Politics, 1-21. 

Boulianne, S., Belland, S., Sleptcov, N. et Larsson, A. O. (2021). Climate Change in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election. Climate9(5), 70.

Boulianne, S. et Larsson, A.O. (2021). Engagement with candidate posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook during the 2019 Election. New Media & Society, 1-22.

Boulianne, S. et Koc-Michalska, K. (2021). The role of personality in political talk and like-minded discussion. International Journal of Press-Politics, 1-25.

Boulianne, S., Lalancette, M. et Ilkiw, D. (2020). « School Strike 4 Climate »: Social media and the international youth protest on climate change. Media and Communication8(2), 208-218. 

Boulianne, S., Koc-Michalska, K. et Bimber, B. (2020). Mobilizing media: Comparing TV and social media effects on protest mobilization. Information, Communication & Society, 23(5), 642-664.